
After an R&D project we looked back home and Ecuador had no gluten free certified products apart from European imports.
So we decided to be a gluten-free company from the Andes, with vegan and gluten-free products that are natural and tasty.

Cereales Andinos

Our factory in Ecuador has been running since 2006. They worked behind the scenes as distributor for government meal plans and industry. In Latin America Celifood products are found under the brand Cereales Andinos. If interested in more information visit our webpage.

Quality Controls


Our factory has been certified as complying with the HACCP standards of food safety by an independent third party (NSF International). This assures that our products are safe for consumption and adhere to international standards. 


Our factory has a dedicated facility to gluten-free products so there is no risk of cross contamination. Only gluten-free raw materials are allowed inside. 
We are certified as Gluten Free by NSF International.

About NSF Certification

NSF International is an independent, accredited organization, trusted by manufacturers, regulating entities, and consumers to develop public health standards and certification programs. The organization’s mission is to promote human health by protecting food, water, and consumer products. The NSF MARK is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. It is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide.